Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Pre-tea time v1.0

Merry meet, folks.

Today was one of my lazier days. I woke up at about 8, despite my earlier bedtime. In some respects I think this is robbing me of the value of my sleep and just giving me sleep. Oh well, do what you can I suppose. Nothing really special went on today.

I hung out with a gal I know for about five hours (12-5). She's a neat chick. We watched Boston Legal and played Guitar Hero for basically all that time we didn't spend in line at Qudoba or Blockbuster. I did end up getting a kiss from her, and I forgot how nice just a simple thing like that can be. At the end of that my friend Kyle called and asked if he could hang out, I wasn't real into the idea, but I said sure because... well, he's one of the few friends I feel like I have left.

It ended up not working out because we wanted a third party (Buschky) to come over so we could get "The Classic" going. Which is, movies, cutthroat, and pizza. It's fun everytime somehow. They may be coming over tomorrow, which will be a nice addition to an otherwise boring day.

In gaming world, I did no botting today, sadly. I guess I want to get it fully automated before I keep it running. I didn't even touch Achaea, which was a welcome change. Don't get me wrong, the game is fun, but it's a game that can drag on you. Instead I played Oblivion and started to try out Metroid Prime: Corruption. So far I'm not a fan.

In the religious spectrum, I'm still a little upset with my mom telling me my faith is wrong, the little that I have. Those are not exact words, but they're close enough. I really feel like I should pick up some Wiccan reading to prepare myself for when I go to college and try and find a coven to join. After meditating on the sky a bit, I've decided that right now, it will be best to take it easy, and not push myself to change.

And lastly, I'm going to lie to myself for a long time, hoping I forget her. I just hope that works.

Blessed be.

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