After a bit more drama in my life, I’ve been thinking about what kind of person I truly want to be. I think I’ve come to decide, I want to be like a reed in the water. Now, bear with me. My idea is that I want to have a strong base of belief so I won’t be caught up in just anything, but I think it’s important to be open to the opinions and influences of others, otherwise you end up a close minded idiot. And finally, I think we should all stretch past the current ideas to the new, the unattained, in other words, the sky.
Well, our musical is all said and done, and to tell the truth, I’m a little disappointed. This was the last thing really tying me into my high school career. I really got to like our director (in truth, she’s one of the few Christian people I can honestly say, don’t bother me with their religiosity) and her and I are talking about if I’ll be able to be in the cast of a play headed up in Oregon during the end of summer/fall. I don’t think I’ll be able to, and that’s kind of disappointing, because I do honestly like acting, and I’d rather just act than sing and act.
Hrm, what else is new? Oh, art. Mrs. Kapral, my high school art teacher, is starting to push for us to finish up some of our more difficult projects, and I’m not as much annoyed as I am frantic about it. This is what I’ve always hated about Art classes, the push for inspiration. It’s one reason I don’t think I could ever be say, a writer or an illustrator.
Oh, once again me and Patty are split up, I know, you didn’t even know we were back together, but we were briefly then she once again proved to me she didn’t care about me, so I got mad, and then she left me for some other guy because I got mad. It’s all very annoying and I have completely lost any remnant feelings I had had for her.
I’ll be leaving soon for my senior trip to
1 comment:
I'm glad Drama is done and went well :) Any standing ovations? Haha.
Sometimes something like Drama being the last thing tying you to high school is the best thing, because it's just easier to let go, you know?
Have fun in Texas! I hear the weather is beautiful (But then again, in my mind, in Texas it almost usually is)
PS - It's not all downhill from here, Nathan. Haven't I taught you anything? -grin-
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