Well, it's been a while since I've bothered to write anything for this thing. I suppose in a lot of ways, I don't want to share my feelings anymore, as most of the time it's just left me upset and disappointed in those around me. Turns out, I was an idiot about Patty the second time. I don't know if I wrote about that or not, but I was, and I'll admit it. I think my brother-in-law's opinion was probably spot on, even though I didn't want to accept it at the time. The reason I started to miss her, was because I forgot what a bitch she was. I officially hate driving with my father, mainly because I get sick in the car and then am out for about two days after, and then have to get back in and be sick again. It's like a perpetual hell really. One nice thing has occurred from graduation. I bought a really good manga, albeit confusing. The Demon Ororon. Very good. The characters actually keep their own motives and don't sacrifice them for the all-devouring monster known as the plot. Basically a human girl falls in love with the devil and he has to kill to survive. She doesn't want him to kill, and love conquers all, not. Go pick up the series, it's great.
Anyway, what's happening with me. Once again, I'm falling for a girl who doesn't really give a shit about me, at least that's how she acts. Again, I think it's just an act, but hell, I've been wrong before. To hell with it all.
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