Random people, I have decided, are some of the most annoying people on our planet. For instance, when I was playing an RPG online, I was guild recruiting because we’re a small guild and we need members, badly. I walk into a new area with a general chat that gets activated before the guild recruitment chat by a fair amount, so I figure, “What’s the harm, I’ll just send the guild ad out on the general now.” And I did. Three separate people (all on the trade chat which I found particularly ironic) instantly pipe up with comments like, “Nice spam.”, “Make sure to join the guild that spams on the wrong channel.”, and etcetera, etcetera.
Now, my thoughts are, firstly, on the trade channel you see at least five ads for the same item within a period of three minutes. Secondly, if you don’t want to join the guild, why comment on it? Most people who aren’t already in a guild are looking for the more intelligent ones, because I’ve been in a few, and I’ve found out that four out of five are filled to the brim with gay jokes and other stupid comments, not decent conversation. Thirdly, I don’t care. You can insult me all you want, but that just makes you look like a weaker individual, especially when you do it without tact and wit. Fourthly, how moronic does a person have to be to think he can tear someone down with a comment like “Nice spam.” Admittedly, it is a spammy message, but it’s the guild approved one, so there’s really no point in bothering with arguing with something that’s voted on and decided on as a guild. At least call me a dick or something that might actually insult me.
But it’s not just online that random people are bastards. A while ago I was in ShopKo looking for new games to indulge my incessant need to game, and two girls walked past me and made the following comment about me while I was still in earshot, “Did you see that ugly guy?” Okay, firstly, I have more decency than to turn around and start an argument in a store with small old women and people who are hung over from last night’s parties. Secondly, wow, be more superficial. Seriously, I’m shocked and amazed that our society is this degenerate. Thirdly, you aren’t any looker yourself if you’re reading this. Fourthly, random people do not have the right to comment on my physical appearance, taste in anything, or actions unless I give them the right to by extending the title of acquaintance to them willingly.
So, as a new experiment, I have decided I will go around and introduce myself to random people, then insult them and walk away. I expect to be beaten, but I’m going to send my message to each random person in person, one at a time.
Now, on to our next order of business. Damn, busy night. I’ve deleted and blocked several people on my AIM, MSN, and WoW lists. All of them annoyed me. I’ll go through the list quickly. Andrew, you and I were never that good of friends. Patty, don’t get me started. Alex, you can’t carry on an intelligent conversation and I’m sick of hearing that you’re bored, I don’t care. Elle, I don’t want to hear about your wild and crazy nights with your boyfriend, you got hammered and smoked up and probably will get pregnant soon; you’re a disappointment to anything I had hoped for in a friend. Miranda, eh, just someone I don’t talk to enough to warrant looking at her name. John and Jewels, I have never spoken to either of you on AIM, get off my list. Sarah, you’re bothersome. Alesha, no one and I mean no one tells me what my motives are, you’re wrong, you’re a bitch, go away. Erin and Mike, I really don’t want to hear about your sex lives and your Halo streaks, off. Lars, you’re a nice guy, just not talkative enough. Aaron, I am sick of your conspiracy theories. Christine, you’re weird and overly chatty about stupid things. Stefan, you’re mopey, move on. Mariko, if that is your real name, you are a slut. Lio, again, not talkative. And Kika, never really got along with you. Melissa, FUCK YOU. Rob, you’re a mopey, whiny, insignificant, cheating, whore. Badkitteh, stop flirting, you have a boyfriend. And lastly, several random insulters on WoW. Phew, lots of jackasses.
So, we have a run through of Act One of The Sound of Music tomorrow and Tuesday. Not looking forward to it, especially since I missed a few rehearsals for it, but at least we have a cool director, who has yet to learn my name. I think I really need to take a day off WoW though. Too much bleh. Maybe I’ll just fish, for some reason I find a sick pleasure in it.
Oh, last thing. Marina. On the very off chance you are reading this, there are a few things I want you to know. Firstly, Griffin is a deuce bag who will throw you on the curb after he gets you pregnant. Secondly, using my friends to be able to see my dick boyfriend, and not leveling with them about it is stupid. At least tell them so they can cover your ass. They’re your friends, not people who will turn you in for reward money. Thirdly, hurt them again, I will mentally break you down to what you are, a maggot on the rotting flesh of popular culture. And fourthly, I do hope you end up getting home schooled so you stay the hell away from them. They deserve better than you.